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Fineartamerica. Американский сайт искусства.

A Professional Network for Visual Artists, Photographers, Art Collectors, and Gallery Owners

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FineArtAmerica.com is a social network and e-commerce marketplace for photographers, visual artists, art galleries, and fine art collectors. Visitors to FineArtAmerica.com can choose from over 1.5 million pieces of original artwork including paintings, sculptures, drawings, mixed media, jewelry, and more! Many of these originals are also available as fine art prints-on-demand.

FineArtAmerica.com is a powerful promotional tool for artists and art galleries due to it's extensive integration of geo-location technology. Each visitor to FineArtAmerica.com is geographically located by IP address, and then the pages of FineArtAmerica.com are individually tailored to that location. This feature does an outstanding job of prominently displaying local artists, local galleries, upcoming local events, local job openings, and more. The feature is unique among fine art websites and fosters a sense of community amongst the members of the site. It also encourages something completely unique - the purchasing of fine art originals. If a fine art collector can drive down the road and actually meet with a local artist and view his or her work, that collector is much more likely to spend several hundred dollars or several thousand dollars on an original.

All members of Fine Art America can upload artwork, advertise upcoming events, post job openings, post blogs, issue press releases, and participate in online chats and discussions. Fine Art America is currently adding approximately 75 new artists per day and is on it's way to becoming the premier online destination for artists, galleries, and collectors around the world.

Это профессиональная сеть для художников, фотографов и владельцев галерей.
1.5.миллионов оригинальных работ на сайте.
На сайте можно купить - продать как оригинальные работы, так и принты работ на холсте, открытки, футбоки.
75 новых художников ежедневно добавляют свои работы на сайт. Очень простое и беслатное добавление работ.

Источник: http://fineartamerica.com/
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Alesya (02.07.2011) W
Просмотров: 1269 | Теги: бесплатно, Art, искусство, продажа, галерея, Painter, художник, принты, картина | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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