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Creativ gallery. Креативная галерея.
Art Limited is for artists, critics and models who propose creative, personal and original high quality work which is recognized and appreciated.
It was designed to bring a personal vision of Art presentation over the Internet media. The idea was to propose something well designed, really fast and simple to display, with a lot of features to help artists to promote their work and share their passion and knowledge to other members. New technologies and amazing effects are interesting for games and shows, but a web gallery should help a work of art to be exhibited in the best possible way, and seen by as many people as possible. Many wonderful communities exists over the Internet and each one has its specificity, its public and fans. No one can pretend to be the best as human tastes are - still - personal.
Our vision and concept is to bring a emotive dialog between creators and visitors, helping them within advanced features to meet each other.
Сайт для людей - чья цель - креатив и оригинальность в иполнении работ. Сайт помогает в раскрутке художникам, даёт возможность быть увиденными многими коллекционерами, войти в диалог с посетителями сайта.

Источник: http://artlimited.net/
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Alesya (03.07.2011) W
Просмотров: 554 | Комментарии: 3 | Теги: бесплатно, Art, заказ, искусство, продажа, галерея, художник, Сюрреализм, gallery, картина | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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